Preparation of appointment document package

Our services/Preparation of appointment document package

The preparation of the necessary documents for the legal and administrative formalization of the employment relationship between the employer and the employee is a key step in the hiring process. This step is crucial for ensuring the legality of the appointment, proper registration of the employee, and a clear definition of the rights and obligations of both parties.

Creating the full set of documents, including the employment contract, declarations, and annexes, is critical for the legality of the process. It protects both the employee's rights and the employer's interests by specifying the terms of the employment relationship. Additionally, these documents are mandatory for reporting to government authorities and social security institutions.

In the context of hiring foreign nationals, it is important to comply with the provisions of the Foreign Nationals Act in the Republic of Bulgaria. According to the law, employers wishing to hire foreigners must follow specific procedures to obtain a work permit. This includes:

  1. Employer Registration – The employer must be registered and meet certain conditions to be eligible to hire foreigners.
  2. Work Permit – A work permit must be issued for the foreigner, certifying that the candidate is suitable for the position and that there are no local candidates with the required qualifications.
  3. Document Preparation – The employer must prepare an employment contract outlining all the terms of employment, which must be signed by both parties. The employment contract must be in Bulgarian and, if necessary, in the foreigner’s language.
  4. Registration with Relevant Institutions – After the employment contract is signed, the employer must register the employee with the National Revenue Agency (NRA) and the relevant social security institutions.

These steps not only ensure legality but also protect the rights of the foreign worker and reduce the risk of legal issues for the employer.